Konstanz Pupillometry Workshop Summary

Resources related to Dr. Fink's online pupillometry workshop for the University of Konstanz (Mar. 2024)

Whether you were able to attend the pupillometry workshop, or you missed it, you can access all of the resources from the workshop using the links below! Please note that these resources contain copyrighted material. Use caution if sharing or re-using.

Workshop Video Recordings:

The video recordings for both days of the workshop will be posted in April 2024 on the University of Konstanz website and linked here once available. Watch this page: https://www.ling.uni-konstanz.de/forschung/workshops/

Workshop Materials:

Please note that this workshop largely builds off of ideas and techniques presented in Fink et al., (2023), Behavior Research Methods. If you want to learn more, read the open-access paper.